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WHITE-FACED IBIS } Plegadis chihi

RANGE: North, Central and South America

STATUS: The global population of ibises is Stable, but the bird is Possibly Extirpated from Alabama; Critically Imperiled in California, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska and Wyoming; Imperiled in Colorado, Idaho, South Dakota and Utah.

THREATS: Pesticide use, loss of marsh habitat

This wading bird prefers shallow, freshwater marshes, flooded fields and rice paddies, but will also forage in saltwater marshes. It eats insects, salamanders, crustaceans, small fish, and shellfish. White-faced ibises breed in nesting colonies in bushes or low trees in or near marshlands; their calls are not the most sonorous in the bird world, consisting of nasal croaks, groans, and rattles. Their populations were once depleted by pesticides, but are now making a slow comeback.

Photo by Marguerite Gregory (c) Califorina Academy of Sciences