RANGE: Northwest and southwest coasts of Puerto Rico
STATUS: The Puerto Rican crested toad is considered Critically Endangered by the IUCN World Conservation Union. This species was thought to be extinct until 1967.
THREATS: Habitat loss due to expanding human populations, competition for food and habitat with the introduced giant marine toad, predation by introduced Indian mongooses and feral dogs and cats
Found only in Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rican crested toad is also the only species of toad native to Puerto Rico. Both sexes have thick, pebbly skin and striking marbled golden eyes, but the females are larger than males and have rougher skin, as well as a high crest above their eyes. Although this toad can live in many different types of habitat — from vegetated offshore islands to cliffs to farm ponds — its available habitat is dwindling daily, and recent estimates put the current number of mature adult toads at fewer than 250 individuals. Many zoos are working hard to save the Puerto Rican crested toad through a program called the Species Survival Plan. More than 4,000 toadlets and 12,000 tadpoles have been reintroduced to Puerto Rico.